Carter's Peak Cast

Emma (she/her) is a member of Carter's Peak's local tennis team, a glass-blowing hobbyist, and the town's resident lycanthrope. Having been resurrected by the Ur Wolf after an untimely bike accident, she exhibits unnatural strength and a near total lack of restraint during a full moon. The new role suits her well, as her incendiary attitude had left her a sort of lone wolf even before the incident, only considering Lily and Kameal to be her friends and not letting herself get too close to them either way. Lily insists that past the standoffish demeanor is a smart and reliable friend, and Kameal is a fan of the whole package, thinking the angst is what makes her interesting.
Lily (she/her) is a newer resident of Carter's Peak, having moved in only about a year ago. She's an avid member of the local tennis team and an aspiring artist. While her accessible and levelheaded attitude made her approachable to pretty much everyone at Carter's Peak, it was only when Emma realized that her conscientiousness didn't mean naivete that the two became friends.
Kameal (she/they) is a punk and a miscreant. This wouldn't normally be too noteworthy of someone her age if her father, Richard Stanhill, wasn't the mayor of Carter's Peak. Seen by many as a disappointment or embarassment, she doesn't seem to let it get to her, keeping a laid-back attitude at most times. She and Emma have been friends for a long time now, both seen as outsiders early on and bonding over their problems with the town.
Lars (he/him) has been around forever. Don't mind him, he mostly keeps to himself.
Francis (he/him) was once an overly talkative history buff, but after his unfortunate death when exploring the abandoned mines of Carter's Peak, he spends his afterlife haunting the town as... an overly talkative history buff, but also a ghost now. Due to the circumstances of his death (dressed as a coal miner and dying in a coal mine), many mistake him for the ghost of a coal miner instead of the ghost of one who happened to be deeply interested in the history of coal mining.
Achezel (she/her), Daughter of the Archdevil Malrwg and Princess of the Infernal Colosseum, is a pretty big deal. Sure, her inability to properly torture souls in hell resulted in her father chaining her to the underside of a Great Wurm's tongue, and sure, few people take her adamant claim to the Throne of the Colosseum as valid, and sure, her attempts to look cocky and debonair often coming off more pathetic than anything else, but she knows deep down inside that she is just as big of a deal as her evil Archdevil dad, and if it takes ending the world to prove that then so be it.
Holly (they/them) is a half-angel emissary from the Great Celestial Library. Their mother was a human from Earth and their Other Mother was an Archon. While Celestials are known for their intelligence, Holly is... notably less so, instead showing much more physical prowess than mental. This, combined with their adamantly amicable demeanor, often comes off as air-headedness, but they are far from incompetent. Their greatest aspiration is to be a Janitor of the Great House, one of the loftiest ambitions of any celestial, but they have a lot to do before they can prove themselves worthy of the job.
Blair (he/him) is a selkie, having been brought back from the dead by the Ur Seal after drowning in Lake Erie during the 1920s. As the son of a coal magnate back in the town's prime, he's been around a long time, witnessing much of Carter's Peak's history firsthand. Blair has devoted himself to the study of the arcane and the occult. Still appearing as though he were a young adult, he keeps a demeanor of sophistication and elegance as would be expected of someone much older (though he has done little to keep up with the mannerisms and culture of the world as it aged beyond his passing, coming off as strangely old-timey for someone who looks to be in his teens). He prides himself on his sense of style and dramaturgy, having established and maintained a classy little china shop through his many years in Carter's Peak.