Carter's Peak

"i don't tell ppl about my dad. its not like they won't find out. u cant keep the fact that ur dad's the mayor a secret for long, especially in a town this small. i'd just rather someone meet me before knowing that. i just wanna hang out n chill, but when i do it's 'oh shit everyone, the daughter of that rich guy who had an affair is hanging out n chilling' so the whole vibe gets fucked. trying not to be a part of the story is suddenly a story of its own. whole shit's fucked all the way down.

"emma's cool w it at least. she knows how much to talk abt it where it doesn't feel like she's ignoring it but also doesn't seem like she's always thinking abt it. i think lily either legit doesnt know or is trying too hard to pretend she doesn't, n i don't wanna bring it up in case she's like actually clueless abt it. don't wanna ruin such a good lack of context."