steph alopod
steph "squit" alopod | |
just a lil seafellow :3 | |
Details | |
Race | some kinda octopus |
Gender | no thanks |
Pronouns | they/them |
Age | 420 years[citation needed] |
steph "squit" alopod is a cephalopod[1] who, through their natural camouflage, has taken on the appearance of a catgirl[2]. Not getting a lot of attention growing up, steph assumed that taking on this appearance would make them very popular[3].
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Being able to change much of their appearance through natural mimicry[4], steph has no single appearance. However, they are most often seen mimicking a catgirl by forcing most of their mass into the shape of a human body and curving their tentacles to appear as a head of medium-length hair and a long tail. Their eyes retain the horizontal pupils of a cephalopod, though from a distance this fact is less noticeable. Their two pointed "ears" are actually fins, like those of the dumbo octopus, intentionally positioned upwards. Typically, their skin is a bright fuschia, though they can change this via chromatophores. This can be done either intentionally or unconsciously, usually to match a change in mood. They often wear casual clothes.
Early life[5]
steph was born when fish god saw that the ocean wasnt partying enough and not enough fish were getting wizard high and making out. steph was by far the coolest fish in the entire ocean. everyone loved them, to the point where it was getting soooo annoying that they had to go up to the surface to get away from it all. they were NOT kicked out of the ocean by every single fish. all the fishes were actually like "nooo steph, don't go to the surface!!! youre too chill with it, they wont accept your cool and sexual style!! also you cant breathe on land so youll like actually die!!!" but steph knew all that was lies and went to the surface anyways because NO ONE CAN TELL THEM WHAT TO DO!!!
Life on the surface
On April 20th, 2024, steph was seen emerging from the ocean on the beaches of Asbury Park, New Jersey. They appeared as a colossal mass of writhing tentacles and eyes, upsetting several beach visitors. Within an hour they were witnessed shoplifting a large quantity of merchandise from the Spencer Gifts storefront of a nearby mall. Two hours later, the security cameras of a nearby Dunkin' Donuts recorded steph, now mimicking the appearance of a catgirl, crawling into their dumpster moments before a garbage truck came to collect it with them presumably still inside.
steph was not seen or heard of again for another five months.
On September 30th, they had started a tumblr account, confirming everyone's worst fears that they had, in fact, found some way to access the internet. Since they were last seen, steph had developed a number of interests, including website design, lying, cosplay, looking themself up online, and "freaking it".

Reference drawing for steph's design.


steph gets an education.

steph gets a job.

Another of steph's many forms.
The specifics of steph's exact species are unknown, as they exhibit characteristics unique to several different members of class Cephalopoda. Though they do not identify as a girl, steph uses the term "catgirl" to refer to themself. It is treated here as an ungendered term, such as "kemonomimi". It did not. The exact type of mimicry exhibited here is very atypical, being unrecognised as either defensive or aggressive mimicry. It could be reproductive, but this has not been confirmed. Very little research was necessary to conclude that the entirety of this section was written by steph alopod themself. The accuracy of this section can not be assured. As there is no better account of their early life currently available, the section remains unedited.